The UK Government has set challenging targets for the reduction of carbon emissions: 34% by 2020 and 80% by 2050. A better understanding of technology RD&D pathways, critical decision points and risks, will inform public and private sector decision makers on innovation policy and funding issues to help meet these targets. The Energy Research Partnership bropught together stakeholders from across the energy sector to develop such a vision.
“Developing a consensus on the technology that a decarbonised society might need in 2050 is essential. The Energy Research Partnership will be carrying out work to focus on key research, development and demonstration milestones.” HMG’s Low Carbon Transition Plan, July 2009
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The aim of the ERP “Innovation Milestones to 2050” project was to develop a shared understanding of what current analysis tells us about the technology development milestones and critical decision points for the likely key components of the energy system in 2050. Using this, the ERP set out a vision, briadly shared by Government and industry to give a better common understanding of technology pathways, timeframes and risks, and their contribution to the targets.
For ERP, this provides a context for our future work on technology assessments of RD&D challenges, gaps and opportunities. Combined with an oversight of the innovation landscape, this can be used to identify and address gaps in provision and priorities for support.
The first phase of the project was a review and meta-analysis of a wide range of public and private energy system scenarios for 2050. The high-level / meta-analysis link above describes the process, gives the conclusions and provides high-level analysis of major UK energy system scenarios.
The report was published in March 2010.