January 2020 Energy Research Partnership Newsletter
2019 Membership News
During 2019 the Energy Research Partnership (ERP) welcomed two new members to the partnership.
The Energy Research Accelerator (ERA) https://www.era.ac.uk/ and Wales & West Utilities https://www.wwutilities.co.uk/.
The Energy Research Accelerator ERA draws on the expertise and world-class facilities of the Midlands Innovation group of universities – Aston, Birmingham, Cranfield, Keele, Leicester, Loughborough, Nottingham and Warwick, plus the British Geological Survey.
Wales and West Utilities provide a safe and reliable gas supply to 2.5 million homes and businesses serving a population of 7.5 million people throughout Wales and the south west of England, managing and maintaining a network of 35,000km of pipes.
The ERP will benefit considerably from the experience in innovation and network operation, both new members will bring as we face the challenges of the energy transition.
2019 Events and Plenary Meetings
Future Resilience of the UK Electricity System Dissemination Event
Birmingham 15th January 2019
The ERP brought together a range of stakeholders from across the energy sector to develop a common view on the future resilience of the UK Electricity System. The work identified a range of emerging trends that are changing the way we operate the electricity system and will need to be acted upon to assure we have a resilient electricity system in the future. In response to these trends a number of recommendations were made that will require action over the next decade to assure resilience of the electricity system in the future.
Overview of the Event
Introduction: Sam Stephens, Atkins
- About ERP
- Project Background
- Project Membership
Key Findings of ERP Resilience Report: Peter Jones, ERP
- Overview of Project
- Key Drivers Identified
- Conclusions and Recommendation
Resilience Planning for the Future: Chair Sam Stephens, Atkins
- National Infrastructure Commission: Matt Crossman
- National Grid: Owen Wilkes
- Arup: Juliet Mian, Associate Director
- Resilience First, Robert Hall
ERP Post Plenary Visit
Imperial College 13th February 2019
The ERP met at Imperial College London for its first Plenary meeting of 2019.
ABB, a member of the ERP and Imperial College hosted a post ERP plenary visit to the Carbon Capture Utilisation and Storage (CCUS) Laboratories in the College used for student training and technology demonstration purposes. The tour involved a demonstration of the control room software and a walk around the functioning CCUS plant.
The visit also included a tour of the ABB Digital Energy System, Network Control Room Laboratory, where digitalisation technologies that will be applied to future energy networks can be operated by students as part of their study work.
ERP Hydrogen Plenary
Energy Systems Catapult 8th May 2019
The ERP held its second Plenary meeting of 2019 in May at the Energy Systems Catapult in Birmingham.
ERP members heard presentations from Committee on Climate Change, Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy, Energy Systems Catapult, Department for Transport, ARUP and Worcester Bosch on the current developments and progress being made in the area of Hydrogen.
A short ERP Report was produced from this meeting and is available in the publications section of this website or from the link below.
Plenary Hydrogen Report
Overview of Meeting
Key Considerations for a Hydrogen Future
- Committee on Climate Change: David Joffe
- Energy Systems Catapult: Scott Milne
Hydrogen Projects and Technology
- Arup: Mark Neller
- Bosch: Tom Collins
Hydrogen Government Perspectives
- Department for Transport: James Tichler
- BEIS: Matthew Billson
ERP Local Area Energy Planning Plenary
Royal Society London 10th July 2019
The ERP held its third Plenary meeting of 2019 in July at the Royal Society in London.
ERP members heard presentations from, BEIS, Energy Systems Catapult, Carbon Trust, Energy Saving Trust, Greater Manchester Combined Authorities and Wales and West Utilities on the current developments and progress being made in the area of Local Area Energy Planning (LAEP).
A short ERP Report was produced from this meeting and is available in the publications section of this website or from the link below.
Plenary Local Area Energy Planning Report
Overview of Meeting
The Potential for Local Area Energy Planning
- BEIS Patrick: Allcorn No Slides Presented
- Energy Systems Catapult: Grant Tuff
Initiating Local Area Energy Planning Projects
- Carbon Trust: Emma Ashcroft
- Energy Saving Trust: David Weatherall
Planning and Delivering Local Area Energy Project
- Greater Manchester Authorities: Sean Owen
- Wales and West Utilities: Chris Clarke