In April 2020, the Energy Research Partnership brought together key industry and government stakeholders to conduct a ‘state of the industry’ review the role of energy storage in the UK energy network to achieve Net-Zero.

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In April 2020, the Energy Research Partnership brought together key industry and government stakeholders to conduct a ‘state of the industry’ review the role of energy storage in the UK energy network to achieve Net-Zero.
Looks at how technologies could help manage intermittency such as electrical interconnection, demand side participation, energy storage and flexible thermal generation. Identifies priorities for innovation.
The report, published in June 2011 presents a strategic view of the opportunities for electrical and thermal storage to provide a reliable energy supply, setting-out the nature and scale of the challenges that will be faced.
ERP’s report Energy Innovation Milestones to 2050 built on an analysis of public and private sector scenarios for the UK’s energy system, bringing out some of the common themes and areas of uncertainty.
The aim of the ERP “Innovation Milestones to 2050” project was to develop a shared understanding of what current analysis tells us about the technology development milestones and critical decision points for the likely key components of the energy system in 2050.
The Energy Research Partnership, Energy Technologies Institute and Royal Academy of Engineering organised a workshop to examine the role of heat in the UK’s energy system.
In this project, the status and development needs of 150 specific technologies were studied, to aid public and private sector decision makers in the targeting of energy RDD&D support.
Brings together previous ERP work to highlight recommendations to ensure that the UK will have the technologies available to meet the daunting challenge set by climate change.