Considers increasing intermittent generation in amongst nuclear and CCS and the flexibility needed by the system operator.
Projects & Publications
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Community energy and the low-carbon transition
Considers the motivations, costs, benefits and risks when using community energy as a means of increasing public engagement with energy usage and acceptance of energy infrastructure.
ERP Workshop Paper: Benefits and savings from better use of material resources and energy
A new approach to material and energy efficiency could result in annual savings of £0.8 – 8.0 billion across
Smart Energy
Reviews current activity with the aim of understanding various perspectives on smart systems, including the interaction between the gas and electricity systems and demand-side technologies.
International Engagement
Development of energy technologies that can significantly reduce global carbon emissions will require an international effort. Recent initiatives from the EU, IEA and G8 demand that the UK take a strategic approach in involvement in international activities, which should include public and private sectors.
An Economic Value Assessment of Low Carbon Pathways (EVAP)
Considers how the UK currently assesses economic impacts & benefits within some of its major pathway and scenario works.
Resource Use Strategies – Minerals
Assesses the availability and scarcity of minerals required for the energy system.
Engaging the public in the transformation of the energy system
Recommends the need for a Strategic Narrative and the importance of engaging with the public.