Focuses on fabric energy efficiency for reducing heat demand, exploring why this opportunity is not being fully exploited.

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Focuses on fabric energy efficiency for reducing heat demand, exploring why this opportunity is not being fully exploited.
Considers options for low-carbon heating to understand their implications for users and energy systems.
There is a narrow time window to deliver CO2-EOR. Policy decisions made by 2017 on Phase 1 & 2 CCS will determine the extent that the benefits from CO2-EOR are realised.
Sought to assess the UK’s carbon abatement trajectory relative to those of Germany, Japan, US, China and India.
Published in November 2011, ERP’s preliminary Key Messages report on Industrial Energy Efficiency emphasised the need for a greater focus on energy efficiency to deliver low cost carbon reductions.
The review identifies the opportunities from, and addresses the challenges to further development of bio-energy technologies by 2050.
ERP’s work in this area aims to provide an overview of the development of CCS and provide input to inform decisions about demonstration projects.