The National Nuclear Laboratory (NNL) led the development of this Roadmap and report on behalf of the project team consortium (EPSRC, ETI, NDA, NNL and ERP).
Projects & Publications
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Nuclear Fission
In September 2010 ERP published a report on nuclear fission that took a long-term view of nuclear as an energy source, looking at future fuel cycles, capacity and responsiveness as well as recognising security and proliferation issues.
UK Bio-Energy
The review identifies the opportunities from, and addresses the challenges to further development of bio-energy technologies by 2050.
Energy Storage in the UK
The report, published in June 2011 presents a strategic view of the opportunities for electrical and thermal storage to provide a reliable energy supply, setting-out the nature and scale of the challenges that will be faced.
Analysis of Energy Systems Scenarios
ERP’s report Energy Innovation Milestones to 2050 built on an analysis of public and private sector scenarios for the UK’s energy system, bringing out some of the common themes and areas of uncertainty.